Publications on BBAT

Ahola S, Piirainen A, Skjaerven LH 2017 The phenomenon of movement quality: a phenomenographic study of physiotherapy students’ movement experiences. European Journal of Physiotherapy 19: 59–68.

Bergström M, Ejelöva M, Mattsson M, Stålnacke BM 2014 One-year follow-up of body awareness and perceived health after participating in a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme-A pilot. European Journal of Physiotherapy 16: 246–254.

Bravo C, Skjaerven LH, Espart A, Guitard Sein-Echaluce L, Catalan-Matamoros D. Basic Body Awareness Therapy in patients suffering from fibromyalgia: A randomized clinical trial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2018;in press:1-11. doi:10.1080/09593985.2018.1467520

Bravo C, Skjaerven LH, Guitard Sein-Echaluce L, Catalan-Matamoros D. Experiences from group basic body awareness therapy by patients suffering from fibromyalgia: a qualitative study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2018;in press:1-11.

Catalan-Matamoros D 2007 Physiotherapy in Mental Health: Effectiveness of a Physiotherapeutic Intervention in Eating Disorders (PhD Thesis). Malaga, Malaga University.

Catalan-Matamoros D, Skjaerven L, Labajos-Manzanares M, Martínez-de-Salazar- Arboleas A, Sánchez-Guerrero E 2011 A pilot study on the effect of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in patients with eating disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 25: 617–626.

Danielsson L, Rosberg S 2015 Opening toward life: experiences of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in persons with major depression. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being 10: 27069.

Gard G 2005 Body awareness therapy for patients with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Disability and Rehabilitation 27: 725–728.

Gard G, Nyboe L, Gyllensten AL (2019): Clinical reasoning and clinical use of basic body awareness therapy in physiotherapy – a qualitative study?, European Journal of Physiotherapy, DOI: 10.1080/21679169.2018.1549592.

Gyllensten AL 2001 Basic Body Awareness Therapy. Assessment, Treatment and Interaction (PhD Thesis). Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Gyllensten AL, Ekdahl C, Hansson L 1999 Validity of the Body Awareness Scale-Health (BAS-H). Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 13: 217–226.

Gyllensten AL, Ekdahl C, Hansson L 2009 Long-term effectiveness of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in psychiatric outpatient care. A randomized controlled study. Advances in Physiotherapy 11: 2–12.

Gyllensten AL, Hansson L, Ekdahl C 2003 Outcome of Basic Body Awareness Therapy. A randomised controlled study of patients in psychiatric outpatient care. Advances in Physiotherapy 5: 179–190.

Gyllensten AL, Skär L, Miller M, Gard G 2010 Embodied identity: A deeper understanding of body awareness. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 26: 439–446.

Gyllensten AL, Nyboe Jacobsen L, Gard G, Clinician perspectives of Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT) in mental health physical therapy: An international qualitative study, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2019 :746-751.

Gyllensten AL, Ovesson MN, Hedlund L, Ambrus L, Tornberg A (2019): To increase physical activity in sedentary patients with affective – or schizophrenia spectrum disorders – a clinical study of adjuvant physical therapy in mental health, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2019.1669706.

Hedlund L 2014 Basal Kroppskänndeom och Psykomotorisk Funktion hos Personer med Allvarlig Psykisk Sjukdom [Basic body awareness and psychomotor function in people with severe mental illness] (PhD Thesis). Lund, Lund University.

Hedlund L, Gyllensten AL 2010 The experiences of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 14: 245– 254.

Hedlund L, Gyllensten AL 2013 The physiotherapists’ experi- ence of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in patients with schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 17: 169– 176.

Hedlund L, Gyllensten AL, Waldegren T, Hansson L 2016 The reliability and validity of Body Awareness Scale move- ment quality and experience in persons with severe mental illness. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 32: 296–306.

Johnsen RW, Råheim M 2010 Feeling more in balance and grounded in one’s own body and life. Focus group interviews on experiences with Basic Body Awareness Therapy in psychiatric healthcare. Advances in Physiotherapy 12: 166–174.

Klingberg-Olsson K, Lundgren M, Lindström I 2000 ‘Våga Välja Vad jag Vill’: basal Kroppskänndom och Samtal i Gruppett Samarbetsprojekt Mellan Sjukgymnast och Psykolog [‘Daring to choose what I want’: Basic Body Awareness Therapy and clinical talk in a group setting - A team project between physiotherapist and psychologist]. Nordisk Fysioterapi 4: 133–142.

Leirvåg H, Pedersen G, Karterud S 2010 Long-term continua- tion of treatment after short-term day treatment of female patients with severe personality disorders: body awareness group therapy versus psychodynamic group therapy. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 64: 2.

Lindvall MA, Anderzén Carlsson A, Forsberg A 2016 Basic Body Awareness Therapy for patients with stroke: experi- ences among participating patients and physiotherapists. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20: 83–89.

Madsen TS, Carlsson J, Nordbrandt M, Jensen JA 2016 Refugee experiences of individual Basic Body Awareness Therapy and the level of transference into daily life. An interview study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20: 243–251.

Mattsson M 1998 Body Awareness Applications in Physiotherapy (PhD Thesis). Umeå University, Umeå.

Mattsson M, Wikman M, Dahlgren L, Mattsson B, Armelius K 1997 Body awareness therapy with sexually abused women. Part 1: description of a treatment mod- ality. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1: 280–288.

Mattsson M, Wikman M, Dahlgren L, Mattsson B, Armelius K 1998 Body awareness therapy with sexually abused women. Part 2: evaluation of body awareness in a group setting. Journal of Body Work and Movement Therapies 2: 38–45.

Olsen AL, Skjaerven LH 2016 Patients suffering from rheu- matic disease describing own experiences from participat- ing in basic body awareness group therapy: A qualitative pilot study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 32: 98–106.

Olsen AL, Strand LI, Skjaerven LH, Sundal MA, Magnussen LH 2017 Patient education and Basic Body Awareness Therapy in hip osteoarthritis – A qualitative study of patients’ movement learning experiences. Disability and Rehabilitation 39: 1631–1638.

Roxendal G 1985 Body Awareness Therapy and the Body Awareness Scale: Treatment and Evaluation in Psychiatric Physiotherapy (PhD Thesis). Gothenburg, Gothenburg University.

Roxendal G 1987 Body Awareness Scale; BAS med Instruction, Manual och Rörelsestest och Faktorer för Delskalor [Body Awareness Scale; BAS with Instruction, Manual and Movement Test and Scaling Factors]. Stockholm, Studentlitteratur.

Seferiadis A, Ohlin P, Billhult A, Gunnarsson R 2016 Basic Body Awareness Therapy or exercise therapy for the treat- ment of chronic whiplash associated disorders: A randomized comparative clinical trial. Disability and Rehabilitation 38: 442–451.

Skatteboe U 2000 Basal Kroppskjennskap og Bevegelsesharmoni. Videreutvikling av Undersøkelses Metoden Body Awareness Rating Scale (BARS): Bevegelsesharmoni. [Basic Body Awareness Therapy and Movement Harmony. Further Development of the Assessment Tool BARS]. Oslo University, Oslo.

Skatteboe UB, Friis S, Hope MK, Vaglum P 1989 Body awareness group therapy for patients with personality disorders. 1. Description of the therapeutic method. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 51: 11–17.

Skjaerven LH, Gard G, Kristoffersen K 2003 Basic elements and dimensions to the phenomenon of quality of movement: a case study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 7: 251–260.

Skjaerven LH, Gard G, Kristoffersen K 2004 Greek sculpture as a tool in understanding the phenomenon of movement quality. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 8: 227–236.

Skjaerven LH, Gard G, Sundal M, Strand L 2015 Reliability and validity of the Body Awareness Rating Scale (BARS): an observational assessment tool of movement quality. European Journal of Physiotherapy 17: 19–28.

Skjaerven LH, Kristoffersen K, Gard G 2008 An eye for movement quality: A phenomenological study of movement quality reflecting a group of physiotherapists’ understanding of the phenomenon. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24: 13–27.

Skjaerven LH, Kristoffersen K, Gard G 2010 How can movement quality be promoted in clinical practice? A phenomenological study of physical therapist experts. Physical Therapy 90: 1479–1492.

Stade K, Skammeritz S, Hjortkaer C, Carlsson J 2015 ‘After all the traumas my body has been through, I feel good that it is still working’: Basic Body Awareness Therapy for traumatised refugees. Torture 25: 33–50.

Strand LI, Olsen AL, Nygard H, Furnes O, Magnussen LH, Lygren H, Sundal MA, Skjaerven LH 2016 Basic Body Awareness Therapy and patient education in hip osteoarthritis: a multiple case study. European Journal of Physiotherapy 18: 116–125.

Thörnborg U, Mattsson M 2010 Rating body awareness in persons suffering from eating disorders: a cross-sectional study. Advances in Physiotherapy 12: 24–34.

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